Indonesian Bird Checklist no. 2

Indonesian Ornithologists’ Union (IdOU), Oriental Bird Club (OBC), LIPI (Indonesian Institute of Science), and PILI (Indonesian Environmental Information Centre) collaborated on publishing the most monumental book in the field of Indonesian ornithology. The book, Indonesian Bird Checklist no. 2 (IBC no. 2) updates information from IBC no. 1 published in 1992. In the process, the book was initiated in 2005 and received contributions and inputs from ornithologists from Indonesia , Malaysia , Japan , Australia , Netherlands , England and the United States of America .

The book have included and classified about 1598 Indonesian bird species. The book includes about 71 new additional species since 1992-2007 and excludes 6 species that are taxonomically new and their geographical distribution do not exist in indonesia . The book also reveals the diminishing of 12 endemic birds in Indonesia . One of the reason is the separation of Timor Leste from Indonesia which changed the endemic status of a number of species.

Indonesian Bird Checklist no. 2 , based its taxonomy classification from The Peters’ sequence bird Checklist. The Peters's sequence book was first published in 1936 by Peters and then renewed his classification, followed by many taxonomists from around the world. Peter's sequence differentiate species based on its morphology and geography classification. In the following developments since the discovery of DNA , many taxonomist include DNA analysis to identify and classify spesies along with their morphological aspects. Besides Peters sequence as reference, the Sibley Monroe sequence, Clements Sequence and Howard and Moore Sequence are also taxonomic references that are being used widely around the world.